"e se os homens vierem a mim, mostrar-lhes-ei sua fraqueza. e dou a fraqueza aos homens a fim de que sejam humildes; e minha graca basta a todos os que se humilham perante mim; porque caso se humilhem perante mim e tenham fe em mim, entao farei com que as coisas fracas se tornem fortes para eles"
translation a.k.a. ether 12:27.
i love this. dont worry, we can analyze this together in english. i
will spare ya on the portugese stuff. the scripture starts out by
saying, "and if men come unto me i will show unto them their weakness..
of course it continues on in awesomeness but i want to focus on just
that part. the chave (key) part in there is If men come unto me.. if we
feel like we literally aren't doing anything right, and that we have all
the fraquezas in the world (weaknesses) number one, you are not alone. i
dont know a single soul in this life that is perfect and that has it
all together.
not an alma (soul) so if you feel like you are at your
weakest point, just realize that you are in reality just drawing closer
to your savior. that's it. no ifs ands or buts about it. yeah you're not
perfect, so what. its not a race against everyone else and their dog.
its a race against yourself, you are competing against yourself. you're trying to be better than you were yesterday.
continue to draw near unto
the lord, and he will show you your weaknesses that they might become
strengths.. it will all come together, in due time. pardon me, in His
time. trust in Him.
amo voces muito xoxoxo