Sister Megan Eliason

Sister Megan Eliason

Sunday, June 14, 2015

"continue to draw near unto the lord, and he will show you your weaknesses that they might become strengths."

"e se os homens vierem a mim, mostrar-lhes-ei sua fraqueza. e dou a fraqueza aos homens a fim de que sejam humildes; e minha graca basta a todos os que se humilham perante mim; porque caso se humilhem perante mim e tenham fe em mim, entao farei com que as coisas fracas se tornem fortes para eles"

translation a.k.a. ether 12:27.

i love this. dont worry, we can analyze this together in english. i will spare ya on the portugese stuff. the scripture starts out by saying, "and if men come unto me i will show unto them their weakness..  of course it continues on in awesomeness but i want to focus on just that part. the chave (key) part in there is If men come unto me.. if we feel like we literally aren't doing anything right, and that we have all the fraquezas in the world (weaknesses) number one, you are not alone. i dont know a single soul in this life that is perfect and that has it all together. 

not an alma (soul) so if you feel like you are at your weakest point, just realize that you are in reality just drawing closer to your savior. that's it. no ifs ands or buts about it. yeah you're not perfect, so what. its not a race against everyone else and their dog. its a race against yourself, you are competing against yourself. you're trying to be better than you were yesterday.

 continue to draw near unto the lord, and he will show you your weaknesses that they might become strengths.. it will all come together, in due time. pardon me, in His time. trust in Him.
amo voces muito xoxoxo

irma E 

Monday, June 1, 2015

This language is like alien speak to me still, but when i take a step back and realize that its not me that carries the message to the hearts of our investigators, and that its the SPIRIT.

weasels oi oi como vai?? como foi sua semana? translation how was the week? uh okay yeãh just so you are not okay with this nashville vaca. uhm can we say JEALOUS?? havent quite mastered that vocab word in ole portguese but oh my lanta was it SO SICK?? dad hell00 perf daddy daughter date for when i get back. mark your calendar because i already have! and FELIZ ANIVERSARIO to jord and tenners! j bird is like what 30? jokes ha like 98% sure he is 24..25. yeah 24. and tenners ten dois anos say whaaattt:) gonna have to send her some cabo verde thingymajig. wonder if they´ve got minnie here for her. i´ll have to ask around to all my peeps haha. so exciting though, LOVED the pics of the minion cake hahaha hilar:) perfect for miss ten bear. i´m sure trist spoiled them both. sure miss those goobers! 

hope everyone is lovin life and movin the work along with irma eliason over here. sorry you cant be here in #PARADISE with me but its a place only for the chosen ones. sorry amigos ;) jokes. nossa (goodness) i wish you could all experience this place for yourself. haha there is literally no place like it.and getting to wear a badge that proves i´m a representative of jesus cristo...yeah, thats the icing on the cake right there peeps. when people all around you are hootin and hollerin "SIIISTERS SISTERS" from like every hua (street) known to man and having their faces brighten when they pass by haha guys..bencaoes upon bencaoes (blessings) i dont know how i got so lucky. haha then you have the little girlies that yell out to us "are you guys barbie dolls that teach about jesus???" ha or you get the occaisonal "oh yeah you guys are the church of elders right..haha all they know around here are the elders dressed in white shirts and ties haha so we just roll with it and then of course give them our spiel and invite them to come to this so called church of elders. its the best! haha 

P.S. if you ever just wanna get your party on, yeah, just book the next plane ticket to cabo verde specifically here in mindelo oh my hannah banana there is literally festado (partying) for DAYS. hahaha i swear they make up holidays around here just so they can live it up and be proud of their cabo verdean heritage AKA party central. we had a hard time finding anyone/teaching the other day because it was workers day? oh and make sure you celebrate today because its dia das criancas!!!! yeah of the kids!!!! can we get a what whatttt. hahaha my comp (her and her lovely dry humor its hilar\sometimes it provides some uncomfortable moments) thinks its ridonkulous but i mean hey, we are to become as little children, are we not. why not make a holiday for all the kiddos of cabo verde and let em know how fische they are. anywho. enough of this cabo verde culture 101!

the work here is going well. ha we keep getting surprsing looks as to why they have sisters here in this area because they havent had any in a long while and apparently monte sessego aint always quaint and lovely at night..but um hello, god´s army people. we are protected, dont worry. we havent had any run ins or anything..yet anyway:) that was for you mai e pai aka mom añd pops. have no fear, irma e is perfectly safe here on her island. please continue to pray for neusa and manuel. we had to remark their baptismal date because they werent able to attend church last week and neusa had to miss yesterday as well because of trabalho (work) yeah its the story of our lives. but they ROCK they are the most down to the earth people. neusa is perfect in like every way haha she has already offered to go out teaching with us and stuff because we have a hard time finding women available during the day..check out her willingness to serve. and she hasnt even entered the waters of baptism yet. #loveher #whatakeeper

we are also working with ineida, margarida, helder, alex, and a few others. we ineida may or may not miss church sundays because she goes and does this "saint walk" for some saint in the catholic church. yeah, we will have to work on that engraven image stuff with her in the upcoming lessons ha but she is awesome. she has so much passion and fire in her and is eager to continue to learn more. we keep playin phone tag with alex so we havent gotten to meet with him for about a week now..but he has been keeping his commitments as far as coming to church so bam. studly move on his part. as far as that gift of tongues thing..yeah, please continue to pray your coracaos out (hearts) for irma eliason because i´ve been getting down on myself for not feeling like im making strides in my progress but, com tempo..with time, i know it will come. if these peeps didnt have such crazy whacky lingos\dialects haha. they just need to stop being so dang rowdy and loud and party-happy and talk to sister e like shes just a crianca (kiddo) but we shall conseguir yall. i can do this (with lots of help) haha 

real quick before i jaunt i wanted to share a thought from what i studied this morning. i forgot to bring my scrips with to the internet cafe dealio but i have the blessed ensign with me so nao problemas. so of course i am going to share something from elder uchtdorf´s talk from a few years back. he is talking about the journey of finding eternal happiness and here i quote "the more you trust and rely upon the spirit, the greater your capacity to create. that is your opportunity in this life and your destiny in the life to come. trust and rely on the spirit. as you take the normal opportunities of your daily life and create something beauty and helpfulness, you improe not only the world around you but also the world within you."

irmaos e irmas aka brothers and sisters..haha jk that was ã bit too formal for my liking. but really. we need to all work on understanding the voice of the spirit. we meaning especially ME. this language is like alien speak to me still, but when i take a step back and realize that its not me that carries the message to the hearts of our investigators, and that its the SPIRIT..i feel peace and comfort knowing that the lord will provide a way of understanding. we can all strive to become master teachers, we all should. claro (of course) but the spirit is the master teacher. pelo o espirito santo, nossos pesquisadores poden sentir do amor da nossa pai celestial e eles poden receber respostas a as perguntas de suas coracoes. i know this to be true. i love you weasels more than life itself. KEEP THE FE and FICA BEM! deus contigo ate nos encontrarmos novamente! tchauuuuuu
sister eliason

um i live in hashtag PARADISE :)

um bless me in the baptism pic. have contracted some lepersee form of who knows what

um i live in hashtag PARADISE:):):) and we have the sheekiest house in the mish apparently (sheeky apparently is a thing here ha just means like high scaled, tricked out, super nice..all thee above) definitely already too attached to this place and our VIEW OFF OUR BALCONY. que bencao aka what a blesssssssing. dont know how we got so lucky. i take that back it was def necessary because we had a lotta set backs with zero water and just absolute chaos our first week and a half. but yeah needless to say, we flippin love monte sessego. and the other pic is of ERICK our first batismo and his mama and william our ward mission leader is on the left of him. good ole willi hes a stud.

weasels!!! doninhas i meant! i dont speak english what was i thinking?? haha look friends and fam bam i´m sorry this isn´t going to be real long at all but just know that sister megs is holdin the fort down here in monte sessego. hardly, but she´s doin it. haha me and sis yeater never wanna leave this place. totes asked president in my letter to him to today if i could just ya know spend the whole 18 months here. because why? because of TODAS AS PESSOAS! aka all the people here. hahaha they literally make my day every single day. they are the most eccentric most expressive most hilar most loving most genuine most welcoming..uh thee loudest human beings on the planet! some of them are just like absurdly obnoxious at night when we ya know are trying to be obedient and get to bed on time because ya know we are missionaries and obedience is just what we are all about..

but meanwhile they are out hootin and hollerin "BEM FICA NOS SOMOS OS CAMPIONES" hahaha like what? its this futbol team they all just live for them and live to celebrate and festa (party) todos os dias! there is never not a reason to party here. gotta love it. and mama weasel thanks for the prayers..manuel e neusa are scheduled to get baptized so please continue to pray for them! we are doing everything we can to work with our investigators and get them into the waters of BAPTISM. because why? its the example the savior set. after all he is our ultimate example. he is the way, the truth, and the light. our god would cease to be god if he wasnt infinitely merciful unto all of us his children, so we should never cease to be disciples of christ. ever. i love this place..i love my mission. theres no place in the WORLD i would rather be! deus contigo ate nos encontrarmos novamente
irma eliason!!!!